Monday, March 9, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

INDIA  " OH "  INDIA ( Compiled  By  Jayant Lal )
1  . " India has  a  mission  for  the  world- Industrial  freedom, Political  Liberty , Passive  resistence  and  religious  tolerance "  ------ Mahatma  Gandhi
2." India   is  secular  Sovereign democratic  Republic , respecting  the  dignity  of  individual  as well   as  many  collective pluralities "  -------Constitution of  India .
3, from a  distance  India  appears  as  a kaleidoscope of  compelling  images . Is  it atomic  weapons  or  ahimsa( non -  violence )/ Is it a  Nation  strugling  with poverty  or  world's  largest  middle class  society? Is it  simmering  with  communal  tensions  or  historiy's  most  successful  melting  spot ? Is  it Bollywood  or  Satyajit Ray ? Is  it  handloom  or  computer  hyperlink ?
                                                                                ___________President  Bill Clinton .
4. " We  owe  a lot  to  the  Indians , who  taught  us  how  to  count ( with  their zero  base counting  systen ) witout  which  no  wothwhile   scientific  discovery  could  have  been  made.
                                                                                 -------------Abert  Einstein .
5."  A  developing  country  such  as  India  which  has a  reasonable educational  infrastructure....  their  skilled  manpower  will  be  more able   to  compete in the  World . ------Bill  gates
6. " Hindus, their  subtle  discoveries  in  astronomy  and  their  valuable methods  of  calculations done   by  means  of  nine  signs ( 1  to 9  and  0 ) surpasses  description "                                                                                                                   --------Evarus  Seebokt (662 AD )
7. India  is  the   craddle  of  the  human race, the  birthplace  of  human speech, the  mother of  history , the  grand  mother  of  legends  and  great  grand mother  of  tradition "
                                                                           ----------------Mark   Twain
8. india  conquered  and  dominated china  culturally for  20  centuries without  having  to sebnd  a  single  soldier  acrss  her  border "  -------------- Hu Shih [ ambassador  of  china ]

9. " I  am  convinced  that  everything  has  come  down  to  us   from the banks  of  Ganges;  arithmatic , astronomy, metempsychisis , etc "  ---------Voltaire
10 ." afte the  conversation  about Indian Philosophy, some  of  the  ideas  of quantum physics  that had  seemed   so crazy  suddenly  made  much  more  sense "  ----------Heisenberg .
Published  from  Rockford  Center  (  302 ) 996 -5480; 100 rockford  Drive , Newark, DE 19713.
State  of  delaware (  Quality Award  Recipient  ; 1996).

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