Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This (west) part of old Bengal is now so busy in Political triangular in-fighting, that the political leaders of respective parties have hardly any time to look after the welfare of the people , other than scoring points in competitive bandhs, strikes , hold-ups or planned group-battles and thus taking the whole State-population on 'Roller coster'- drive and economic back-slide !
At a time with almost half the job-seekong population un-employed, it is now so easy and convenient to organise strikes and bandhs, hiring job-less youth ,on short notice' as part-time 'political supporters' who are ready to join any side with some cash-return , any time, and responding to quick-demands .
There was a time during freedom struggle, when the term 'politics' was associated and integrated with the word,-patriotism and sacrifice.
Now, I think and I repeat - i think that politics is ,perhaps' the best proffession to organise leadership on five-year terms for quick and 'heavy bucks' and also leave behind wealthy family foundations.

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