Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Meaning of opposition party in a Democracy :
1.opposition does not mean obstruction to the growth and welfare of people.

2.Obstruction to the normal life of people through 'bandh' AND STRIKES in any created situation through political manuvouring is not the way to serve people either by opposition or the ruling party.To harras people for publicity is not service to people, be it any party including the ruling lord.

3.People should also join and organise to ventilate their anger and 're call' any representative, if they find him or her incompetant , corrupt or anti-people. Thre should be people's body fight for Common Cause,non-political Social rights and deal with mafia nature of anybody or organisation ,be it political or outside.

4. Opposition should not exsist only for opposition but for integrated ideal for common goal of growth 7 prosperity of the state and Nation.
5.Opposition Party leader should not behave like a 'Groom-side-dowry-guardian' to foil every chance of negotiation.

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